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The private vagina tightening machine is an instrument with intelligent temperature-controlled function that can conduct simultaneous real numbers on the vagina and the vulva and labia through radio frequency conduction.”Internal” is to activate the regeneration of collagen proteins through warm and thermal effects to achieve 360 degree vaginal tightening,to increase vaginal humidity, and treat the problem of urinary osmotic.”Outside” is also through radio frequency technology to accelerate local blood circulation while restructuring damaged neurons,so that the labia that has become longer and looser will be brought to the original position ,increase sensitivity, increase the softness of skin and reduce wrinkles. Therefore the vulva is moist, compact and tender as before.
The core of technology: disposable probe:
The core of the technology lies in its disposable therapeutic probe, which is very compact and humane.In the treatment, the comfort is very high, 360 degrees without dead angle treatment, even 360 degrees in the internal vulva, including the upper, middle and lower segments of the vagina can be done.

The disposable therapeutic probe is one people at a time ,and It’s only the size of an index finger,and here is no other body feeling or discomfort in the treatment. The validity period of the disposable treatment probe is 30 minutes. Since the probe is activated, the effective time is 30 minutes, which avoids the risk of secondary use.
The technical core of the equipment: temperature-controlled RF technology
All processes that promote collagen regeneration in humans are through heat. The skin of the vulva is very delicate, and the size of the labia is between the skin tissue and the mucosa tissue, so it has a higher requirement for temperature.There is a special Smooth skin temperature setting to keep the temperature at 37-42 C. The temperature can be adjusted at 37-42 degrees C.

Before treatment, the target skin temperature is set, and and the temperature-controlled RF maintained the thermal effect of massive tissue for a specific time,effectively stimulating regeneration of collagen, allowing the vulva to be full and improving the state of loose vaginal. Through such a temperature-controlled RF technology, it can effectively promote the blood circulation of the vulva, promote collagen tightening, strengthen the stretching function of the lifting muscles and sphincters, and even enhance the sensitivity of the female vulva.

The Principle of action:
Whether it is aging on the face or other parts, it has a lot to do with the loss of collagen. There are many types of collagen.Among of them, type I collagen is distributed in dermis, tendons, skeleton and dentin, accounting for 90% of the total amount of collagen in the human body. The amount and loss rate of collagen determines the fullness, flexibility and elasticity of tissues and skin.

Principle of action – compactness:
Through the action of heat, it can effectively promote the repair and regeneration of type I collagen, and then promote the increase of collagen fibers, elastic fibers, reticular fibers and organic matrices, so as to make the vulva full, elastic and resilient, and thicken the vaginal wall, tighten the vagina.
1.Safe and painless.
2.High comfort and no need for anesthesia.
3.Sexual intercourse can be carried out on the day of treatment.
4.Promoting hyperplasia of collagen , repairing and strengthening levator muscle .
5.Suitable for the ages over 18 years old, which has a history of sexual life.
6 .Regulating the PH value of reproductive system and simultaneously treating the inner and vulva. 7,Increased wetness, increased softness, increased firmness, and maintenance of ovaries. 8 , Treating the inner and vulva simultaneously to improve satisfaction, improve self-confidence.

The benefits of treatment:
●Improving the tightness of vaginal:Tightening the entire vulva region, from the labia majora to the entire internal vagina. Both the patient and her partner can detect a significant improvement in firmness.
●Improving the appearance of the labia:The skin of the external genital area is tightened and smoothed to improve its appearance.
●Increasing vaginal discharge : Increasing blood flow through zero-hormone therapy to eliminate dryness, restore nerve signaling transmission and improve lubrication.
●Improving sexual function:Improving women’s and their partners’sexual satisfaction by increasing sensitivity of orgasm and contraction of muscle.
●Reducing stressful urinary incontinence:Reducing urinary leakage accidents by strengthening pelvic muscle tissue and helping treat mild to moderate stressful urinary incontinence.
1 ,What`s the cost of treatment for vagina tightening machine? A:The market price of guidance for treatment is RMB19800.
2 ,Is the treatment painful? A:During the course of treatment, patients will only have a comfortable feeling of warmth, and they will have no pain during and after operation.
3 ,Does is safe? A:Using a disposable probe for each treatment to ensure that there is no risk of transmission of infection.It`s very safe and has no adverse reaction.
4 ,Does it need course of treatment to treat ? A : Only according to the course of treatment can we ensure the best treatment effect. According to the degree of aging, there will be differences in the course of treatment. We will first pass professional testing and then give customers personalized treatment plan.Of course, we will also explore the treatment effect that the customer wants to achieve in the process, and combine the needs of the guests to develop the best treatment.
5, ,How many times of course of treatment need to do? ?How often is the interval for a course of treatment? A:According to the slack of the customer, generally 4 times for a course of treatment, 6 times for a special case for a course of treatment, each treatment interval for 2-4 weeks.However, the general patient can feel the improvement of the effect and symptoms after the first treatment.
6 ,How long does each treatment take?How long does it take to recover after surgery? A:It takes 30 minutes. There is no need for recovery period, just go after it, it will not affect normal life, or even resume sexual life on the same day. Note:For the sake of effectiveness, it is recommended to have sex after three days.
7 ,How long will the effects last ?Does the treatment need to continue later? A : Generally, the effect of a course of treatment for 4 times can be maintained for 9-12 months depending on the individual patient’s condition.After that, if necessary, you can maintain and consolidate treatment for 1-2 times a year as a regular maintenance in a private place to maintain optimal results, safe and effective.
8 ,Who is suitable for the treatment of rejuvenation ? A:Atrophic vulva,Precipitated pigments,loose vagina, dry and painful vagina,for these problems, the sooner treatment, the sooner recovery, the sooner to enjoy a healthy and happy life.